The Boxchip S700 series contains an unlocked dual sim GSM LTE phone. So phone functionality is very good. The Android 6.0 operating system allows for most of the calling features we have become expect on modern smartphones. Call quality is generally generally very. The S700A was tested against an iPhone 10 on the T-Mobile and signal performance was so close it would be hard to say which one came out ahead. The Boxchip 700 was able to connect to the 4G LTE network and use data just fine. This means that you should have access to the various Amateur Radio communication apps were ever you have phone and data services. The Boxchip S700 series form factor also lends its self to being a phone much better than the 2.5 screen Network Radio models. However, it might be a little difficult to use as your daily driver phone because of it’s size. On the other hand, the S700 series would make a much better phone to use in the field due to its long battery life, ruggedness, and loud speakers. So yeah, the S700 series make a good smartphone, but at the end of the day it all boils down to personal choice.
Battery life on the S700A was great. Network Radios tend to have very good battery life since they are running smaller lower resolution screens and processors that require less power than most newer smartphones. The S700As 4500 mAh battery will usually get you through 2 to 3 days of typical use. However, your mileage may very greatly depending on factors such as screen brightness, how long the screen is on, the apps you are using, how much phone use, how much transmitter use, etc. If your primary use is to sit around a ragchew on Zello, IRN, Echolink or Peanut, then the battery will last longer than you will.